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0.2.4/5 |
Grab yourself a copy of my awesome game.
July 8th 2013 News update
Eight years later... Stay tuned for open-source native mobile versions for iOS and Android devices! I'm going to be building a brand new Chickens game for platform I have no experience. I'm thinking of sharing the whole experience in real-time, documenting the process with text entries, photos, screenshots/captures and live video feeds. The purpose? To educate, contribute, at the very least, to entertain!
Ulterior motive? Maybe. The new Chickens semi-live dev process may happen to start on the Launch Day of my upcoming website, CozyCoder. *Shhh* don't tell...
February 27th 2005 News update
Windows version - It's finally here.
0.2.4 Release Date: Wednesday, July 14th 2004
You will need Allegro to play. (NOTE: You need version 4.x to compile, not 5.x!)
Chickens for Linux
[ Download ] Complete source code tar.gz for version 0.2.4 (1421 kb)
Special thanks to Ingo and Marijn! These two gents both emailed me with links to the missing linux version; Chickens are now safely back on my server... thank you!!!
Chickens for Windows
[ Download ] Zipped windows version in EXE form. Includes source.
(1913 kb)
Chickens for Gentoo
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